Maria Maxwell

My name is Maria Maxwell.  I am with Frontier Health's Student Assistant Program, and I am excited to announce that I am officially starting counselling with CHS! I am an ETSU grad (go Bucs!) and absolutely love what I do! I have been working with nonprofits like Frontier Health in the Hawkins County area for the past 3 years.  Helping people is my passion, which is why I love my job.  One of my favorite things is helping amazing students, like the ones here, succeed and be the best they can be!  This is why, in partnership with the community and school, I am here to support the school system in its endeavor to provide every student with a positive learning environment that is conducive to developing maximum learning potential.  I am here to help create this positive learning environment by aiding students through counselling services and providing mental health resources to combat issues such as depression, peer violence, truancy, substance abuse, and more. 

Contact Information is 423-272-6507 x5028 or